XP Garage Fan Keeps Temp Controlled - Hunter Industrial
When the DeKalb Fire Station began their search for an industrial fan, they had three criteria: longevity, durability, and size. They needed a fan large enough and designed to cool (or warm, in the winter) a large facility like theirs where the bay doors are constantly opening and closing. They also wanted a fan that was going to last a long time and able to withstand the environment it’s in. They chose the XP industrial fan by Hunter Industrial because it met their criteria but also because of the other features of the garage fan. “When it says plug-and-play, it is literally plug-and-play,” said DeKalb Firefighter Paramedic Patrick Erikson of the XP fan, “The instructions that we got were great. The equipment that we had was great. We were able to mount the Bluetooth box up there and run it right down so we have our control panels right there at the ready when we want to change directions, change the speeds, everything else.” Hear more about what benefits they've noticed since installing the XP industrial fans.